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Saturday, July 18, 2009

fox alert

I know this sounds crazy, but anyone living in our neighborhood should know we have a stray fox running around. Brian saw it this afternoon over by the canal. Now I wonder where my cats went???? Brian said it's orange and mature looking so he knows what he is up to. Not a young fox. Crazy.


  1. Okay that is a little scary! I hope you can find your cats.

  2. Wow-that sucks...maybe you will be lucky and the kittens will come back from a nice long adventure! :)

  3. There are actually 3, there were 4 but one got hit out on bangeter. They are out allthe time, usually in the evening. They have been around for the whole 4 years that we have lived here. But this summer was the most that we have seen them.

  4. Ya, Colin saw one too. Ha Ha, it made me laugh real hard when he was telling me that he threw rocks at it when it started to bark at him! Ha Ha! Good thing Fox's are small and you could just give it a swift kick if it came too close :) Sorry about your cats.
